Project: HiCAD P+ID


P+ID > P+ID Sheet > Process > Dictionary

P+ID Library > Change language > Dictionary

This function enables you to process the HiCAD Dictionary. All automatic translations of texts used in drawings are based on this dictionary. Click the icon to start the stand-alone pro-gram (WBEdit.exe) to run it parallel to HiCAD. The options described below are available in the dialogue box.

This means, for example, that when you enter a text that should appear in a drawing, you can immediately assign the source text and the translation to the HiCAD dictionary. If you have started the program once (as described above) since the installation of HiCAD, you can process the dictionary without activating HiCAD. You simply start WBEdit.exe from the EXE folder in your HiCAD directory, e.g. using the Explorer.

The file names are assigned automatically. You can manage up to 99 languages or language combinations.


Dateigruppe für Übersetzung -- File group for Translation


you can define another data group for the files (*.UEBb) created using the HiCAD Dictionary function. The default setting is file group Z. By default, the HiCAD SYS directory is assigned to it.

WBEdit.exe offers the following options:

Edit records:

The entries in the input fields are created automatically.

Dictionary languages:

When a language combination is created, the records are filled automatically.

For each language defined in the dictionary, there is an input field for the corresponding text. The input field is prefixed with a number. The field containing number 1, i.e. the uppermost field, belongs to the reference language.

The reference language is usually the language from which translation is performed. The rule for this language is that a text is only allowed to appear once in the dictionary.

This ensures that the translation is always unambiguous. Entries assigned to one another in the various languages of the dictionary form a record.

The input fields are used both for entering a new record and for displaying an existing one. If you click Clear fields (at the bottom left of the dialogue box), the texts are removed from all input fields, which does not, however, mean that a displayed record is thereby removed.

The buttons available in the dialogue box provide the following operating options:


  1. Select the language in which you want the search to take place.
  2. Enter a search key in the input field.

The wildcards * and ? can be used in the standard meaning. You can use the Clear fields button to delete the contents of the input field. An empty field is interpreted like an *; every text corresponds to this search key.

  1. Decide whether case-sensitivity is part of the search condition.

Then choose:

  1. Activate the list.

You will be provided with a list of all records matching the search you defined.

  1. Select a data record and activate OK.

You use the following buttons to position a pointer within the dictionary. The record at the pointer position is displayed in the input fields. The system always searches for a record matching the defined search in the direction you choose.

Supply record closest to the beginning of the dictionary.

Supply record which is closest to the current data record in the direction of the beginning of the dictionary.

Supply record which is closest to the current data record in the direction of the end of the dictionary.

Supply record closest to the end of the dictionary.

If you have entered text in one of the input fields and if you have not pressed Change or New to apply the record that you have changed or newly created in this way, the question: Discard changes? appears. If you would now like to save the newly changed or newly entered record, choose No; if not, click Yes.


Please note:

If 1 has been entered as a second value in line 173 in ALGPAR.DAT, spaces are ignored. In other words, if no matching line is found during text translation, the text is analysed again, but this time as though it had no spaces.



The contents of the input fields are copied to the dictionary as a new record. The system checks beforehand whether the text entered in the uppermost input field already exists in the dictionary in the corresponding language (reference language). If it does, no new record is created, but the following message displayed: A relevant entry already exists. Display? Click Yes if you want the existing record to be displayed in the input fields; otherwise, click No.



If you have changed the contents of one or more input fields in the displayed record, you can use this option to transfer these changes to the dictionary.

Please note that the entry in the reference language is used to identify a record. If you change the entry in the input field of the reference language and if a record containing this changed entry already exists, the record pointer is moved to this record.

You will then no longer process the previously displayed record. If the reference language does not yet have a record containing the changed entry, the system displays a message to the effect that no corresponding record has been found.



This option enables you to delete the currently displayed record. Click Yes to confirm the security prompt that is faded in . If you do not want to delete the record after all, click No.


The effect, in terms of the above-mentioned processing of records, of the following functions for processing the dictionary languages is as though you had chosen End (see below) and then re-started the dictionary editor.


New language

Use this function if you want to add a language or language combination to the dictionary. If you would like to create a new language, enter the description of this language at the top of the input field and then click OK.

If you want to create a new language combination, switch entry to Language Combination and choose the languages that you want to combine (two or three).

The description is constructed automatically in the bottom input field from the descriptions of the languages involved. You can, however, still change it. Finally, click OK.


Please note:

The new language or language combination is created immediately. The entries of a new language initially consist of characters --- for all records. You will therefore need to change each record by replacing this default value by the correct translation of the text of the reference language into the new language. The entries of a new language combination are created automatically from the entries of the languages involved.


Delete language

First select the language or language combination that you want to delete and then click Delete. The language is immediately completely removed from the dictionary.



This function enables you to change the description of a language or language combination.

  1. Select the language or language combination to which you want to give a different description.
  2. Enter the new description in the input field and then click OK.

The description of the language is changed immediately.



You can use this option to change the sequence of languages in the main dialogue box and in the selection lists. Please note that the language containing number 1 is interpreted as the reference language.

  1. After confirming the explanations with OK, specify the new sequence, in the left-hand column, by entering the relevant numbers.
  2. Click Apply to save the new sequence.

Click Cancel if you do not want to change the sequence.

Close Dictionary

The records of the dictionary are processed in a temporary processing file. The newly created, changed or deleted records do not affect the translation function in HiCAD until the contents of the processing file have been transferred to the translation files on ending the dictionary editor. This means that, if you have not applied the record by choosing Change or New, you can discard the changes by choosing Cancel.

If you execute End, all changes (Create, Change, Delete) made to the records in the course of a session are transferred from the processing file to the translation file and are hence available for the translation function in HiCAD.

Process P+ID Sheets (P+ID)

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HiCAD P+ID
Date: 07/10/2020     Language: 1033

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