Project: HiCAD Parametrics

Change Variables

2-D Part > 2-D HCM Constraints > Edit > Change variables

To access the Change variables function, activate the 2-D Part tab and select 2-D HCM Constraints > Edit .

You can also use variables when assigning constraints, instead of value inputs for distances and angles.

This function enables you to display a list of the variables used in a HCM model and apply changes to them.

To change the values of a variable, double-click the Value column in the row containing the variables name. The display field changes into an input field, enabling you to change the value directly. Furthermore, you can add comments for every variable.

If a variables name exists "locally", i.e. for an individual part, as well as for a superordinate assembly, the "local" value will apply. If the variable is deleted from the table of the part, the value of the same-named superordinate variable will be applied.

The Variables table can be accessed via a right-click on the part (then select Properties > Part variables) or the part entry in the ICN (Others > Properties > Part variables).

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© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HiCAD Parametrics
Date: 27/09/2020     Language: 1033

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