Project: HiCAD GUI Creator

HiCAD GUI Creator - RadioButtons

  • Designation
  • Text format
  • Variable name
  • Visibility condition
  • Width
  • Height
  • Designation
  • Text format
  • Value
  • Visibility condition
  • Use this value as the default value

The RadioButtons group can be edited in the tree structure with a click on the Editsymbol, i.e. you can add or delete buttons, e.g.:

When adding new rows the entries in the Value column will be numbered consecutively.




For the sub-entries, you can activate the Use this value as the default value checkbox to specify that the corresponding radio button is used as the default value when the dialogue is started.

Customer-specific Dialogues for Installation Elements - Basic ProceduresHiCAD GUI Creator - VariablesHiCAD GUI Creator - ToolBox

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HiCAD GUI Creator
Date: 27/09/2020     Language: 1033

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