The Insertion Position
When you process a part for which there is a feature log, the subsequent construction steps are usually always appended to the end of the current feature log.
To insert construction steps at another position in the feature log, use the cursor to move the insertion mark to the desired position. Note that then only the construction steps up to this insertion mark are also displayed in the drawing for the active part.
If you now process the part, the processing steps are entered into the feature log before the insertion mark.
To re-apply all features of the feature log to the drawing, use the cursor
to move the insertion mark to the end of the feature log or activate the Calculate to end function.
To calculate the construction step by step, choose the Calculate next feature function.
Note: Bear in mind that inserted construction steps may
modify or even delete edges and parts, so that subsequent features
can no longer access them and therefore fail.
Tip: Moving the Insertion position enables
you to analyse the construction.