Project: HiCAD Element installation

Customer-specific Dialogues for Installation Elements - Conditions and Error Messages

Name of variable|Formula that need to be fulfilled|Error message

The name of a variable can be entered in several rows; all corresponding conditions must then be fulfilled. The conditions can refer to any variable, contain the usual relational operators and formulas. Boolean operators are not allowed.


If you enter a value equal to or smaller than 0 for the variable length, the input field for length will be marked with the symbol, and the error message The length must be greater than 0. will be displayed.


If you enter for the variable width the same value as or a smaller value than for height, the input field for width will be marked with the symbol and the error message Width must be greater than height. will be displayed.


If you enter for the variable width the same value as or a smaller value than for length, the input field for width and also for height will be marked with the symbol. In both cases the error message Width must be greater than height. will be displayed.

Save the file to the folder of the plate, this example to the folder Elementverlegung\Example and enter the file name complete with path in the CONDITIONS column of the catalogue.


When inserting the plate, the entries will be checked, e.g.:


The symbol on the OK button will also be shown if the syntax of the conditions is incorrect.

Element InstallationCatalogue Editor

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HiCAD Element installation
Date: 27/09/2020     Language: 1033

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