Project: HiCAD Sheet Metal

Set/Change Springback 

Sheet Metal > Sheet development > Param. > Set/Change springback

The so-called "springback" describes the value for the "elastic return" of the two workpieces after withdrawal of the bending tool. This effect is due to the fact that there is a low-tension zone approximately in the geometric centre of the workpiece, in which only elastic deformations occur - even in the case of strong bending forces. This zone of the workpiece cross-section tends to return ("spring back") to its original form after removal of the bending forces. The extent of the springback depends on the type of material used: The greater the rigidity of the material, the greater is its springback.

The Set/Change springback function enables you to specify a material for the sheet part. The material influences the springback of the bent part and hence the bend radius and the bend angle in accordance with the selected bending method.

  1. Once you have selected the function, a selection of materials containing the corresponding correction factors is displayed.
  2. Select a material and confirm with OK.

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© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HiCAD Sheet Metal
Date: 24/02/2021     Language: 1033

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