Project: HiCAD Sheet Metal
Sheet Metal > New > New sheet from surface
Use the New sheet from surface function to construct, via specification of a sheet thickness, new sheet metal parts from the surfaces of a 3-D solid. After selecting the function, the following dialogue window will be displayed:
The edges will be highlighted. If you select an edge as bend zone you can enter the inner bend radius yourself. If you select a cylindric surface as bend zone, the radius of the surface will be used as bend radius.
If you now click the for the selection of surfaces (facets), you can select further sheets.
Click the icon to select the standard for the semi-finished product from the HiCAD Catalogue Editor. The selection of a semi-finished material affects the sheet thickness, the bend radius, the allowance method and the article number. If the Semi-finished product checkbox is activated, sheet thickness can no longer be changed, while bend radius, article number and allowance method still remain changeable. If you double-click the Sheet from surface feature, you can also activate or deactivate the Use-semi-finished product checkbox later if desired.
If you do not want any Clearance, enter a 0 in the input field.
Frequently used parts should be saved as referenced parts. The part will then be additionally saved as an individual part at the end of the process, and will not be integrated as a "fixed" part into the drawing. If any modifications are applied to the part, you can update the part in the drawing.
To switch off feature creation during the generation of this base sheet, deactivate the Create feature checkbox. This checkbox is active
by default.
The name of the sheet will be generated automatically. You can overwrite it in the Article No. text field.
(1) Sheets (Facets)
(2) Bending edges
(3) Sheet metal part with relief groove
Please note:
For the created sheets/flanges, only the 3-D surface will be used. For example, if there are countersunk bores in the 3-D part, only the outermost (greatest) diameter will be applied to the sheet to be created. Likewise, in the case of material adding or subtraction, only the outermost surface will be applied to the new sheet.
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