Colour Settings: Save/Open Configuration

Settings > Colour settings > Save/Open configuration

The current colour settings which you define using the Menu Colour settings are global settings, which are not saved together with the drawing.

You can, however, use the Save configuration function to save the current colour settings and Open configuration to reuse them at any time. The settings for the Graphics window, too, will be saved to the configuration.

To save the current configuration, call the Save configuration function and specify the file name. The configuration is saved under the current name with the file name extension .HCF in the HiCAD subdirectory BACKGROUND.

To load a configuration, activate the Open configuration function and select the desired HCF file in the list box.

Please note:

If you want to use the old settings (prior to HiCAD 2014),use the file HiCAD_Classic.HCF in the BACKGROUND sub-directory of your HiCAD installation. To load the file, select Settings > Colour settings > Save/Open configuration.