Derived Drawing - Active View as Front View/Top View
Drawing > Itemisation/Detailing > Drawing derivation
If you right-click an assembly, a general 3-D part, a Steel Engineering beam, a Sheet Metal part, or a Steel Engineering plate and select Properties > Alignment of derived drawings you can specify
- which view is to be the front view
or the top view
, or
- whether this assignment is to be reset
Multiple selections are also possible here.
Please note that the chosen option also affects derived drawings!
- In Steel Engineering the functions beneath Alignment of derived drawings can be applied to assemblies, beams and plates and will be considered in workshop drawings for assembly, beam and plate views. In the views of the main parts and sub-parts belonging to the assembly, the front view or the top view, respectively, are displayed "normally".
- For beams and plates HiCAD will check whether the new alignment of the beam or plate is possible when you call the Front view or Top view function.
Please note the following:
- For plates the viewing direction for the top view must be perpendicular to the top or bottom surface!
- The front view of a beam shows either the front side or the rear side of the web.
- Round profiles must be running horizontally in their front view, but can be freely rotated about their axis. In this way, the view-defining coordinate system for trimmed round profiles can be rotated in such a way that the cut angle is dimensioned in the workshop drawing.
The result of the check will be shown in a dialogue window. It will be listed here for which of the selected beams the new alignment was successful and for which the new alignment was not possible.
The display type of the list can be changed with the icons on the left hand side:
Detailed list
Short list
List with tabs
Click the symbol to save the result list as a .csv file.
- In the model drawing the alignment will be indicated by a corresponding symbol. The front view is shown in green, the top view in blue colour.
- Since no workshop drawing can be created for sheet flanges and bend zones, the orientation always refers to the Sheet Metal main part. Orientations of flanges and bend zones set in older HiCAD versions (before 2020 SP1) can be deleted with the Reset
function. The main part must be active. Displayed for these flanges and bend zones will be the view orientation of the main part.
Let us assume that you want to create a workshop drawing for the model drawing shown below.
Apply the Active view as front view function to the second assembly (beam, plate and bolting). This will be marked accordingly in the model drawing:
Now, create the workshop drawing:
In this example, the front view has been chosen everywhere.
The view selected for the second assembly with the Active view as front view will be considered in the workshop drawing. Here, too, this will be indicated accordingly.
If you now select Reset, the workshop drawing will look as follows:
- Please note that the Alignment of derived views functions can only be applied to assemblies, beams and Steel Engineering plates, and will be considered for assembly views, beam views and plate views in the workshop drawing. In the views of the main parts and sub-parts belonging to the assembly, the front view or top view will be represented "normally".These functions are not available for other Steel Engineering parts, as HiCAD uses the Part CS for the alignment of the view in the workshop drawing here.
- When applying the Active view as front view
or the Active view as top view
function to Steel Engineering plates, HiCAD will check whether the new alignment of the beam/plate is actually allowed.
Please note the following:
- Top views of plates must be perpendicular to the upper or lower plate side!
- Front views of beams show either the front side or the rear side of the web.
- Front views of round profiles must run horizontally, while allowing a free rotation about their axes. This enables a rotation of the view-defining coordinate system for trimmed round beams in such a way that the cutting angle can be dimensioned in the workshop drawing.
The result of the check will then be shown in a dialogue window. Here it will be listed for which of the chosen plates the new alignment was successful, and to which no new alignment could be applied.
Use the symbols on the left to switch between the following representations of the list:
Detailed list
Abridged list
List with several tabs
Click the symbol to save the result list as a CSV file.
Derive Drawing • Drawing Derivation • Drawing Derivation: Dialogue Window • Usage-Dependent Configurations