Surface Approximation and Limiting Angle for Shading

Surface approximation

Drawing > Properties > Attr. > Surface approximation

You use this function to define the number of polygon points for 3-D quadrants. This setting is taken into account, for example, in polyhedral approximation and shading of 3-D models.

The Via distance tolerance... functions approximate according to a predefined precision value (default = 0.1). The precision value is used to determine the maximum distance permitted between analytical surface and polyhedral surface. The number of polygon points for 3-D quadrants is then calculated separately for each curved surface using this precision value. With minimum number means that the calculated value must not be less that the entered value;with maximum number means that the calculated value should not be greater than the entered value.

Analytical model

Polygon points
per quadrant

Polygon points
per quadrant, 2

Polygon points
per quadrant,
max. number


Please note:

These settings are well suitable for large drawings.

The settings shown above are also used in the Configuration Templates (CSV files) for mechanical engineering and plant engineering included in the scope of delivery of HiCAD, which are loaded via the Parameter Configuration. The steel/metal configuration template uses 4 division points per quadrant.

Limiting angle for shading

Drawing > Properties > Attr. > Limiting angle for shading

The limiting angle is only relevant to shaded 3-D models, in which curved surfaces may show disturbing colour differences at the polyhedral edges. For all edges in which the adjacent surfaces form an angle less than the specified edge limiting angle, a correction is performed to make the edges look "rounded".

Enter the desired limiting angle. The value must be between 0 and 180 degrees. The specified limiting angle applies to all parts of the drawing.

Example: Edge limiting angle 45°

Example: (1) Edge is retained, (2) Edges remain rounded


If you want to use a different limiting angle for individual parts of the drawing, perform the following steps:

  1. Activate the desired part.
  2. Use the right mouse button to activate the context menu for parts and select Properties .
  3. Select Limiting angle for shading.
  4. Specify the limiting angle for this part.

Present 3-D ModelsAnalytical or Polyhedral Model (3-D)