Keyboard Layout

Various functions can be called both in the drawing and in the ICN directly via the numerical keypad of the keyboard or with specific shortcuts.

Keyboard layout in the drawing

Switch on/off indicating orientation of active Steel Engineering beam and alignment of active 3-D part in drawing (if alignment has been explicitly set) *


With some functions, a shaded preview is attached to the cursor for placing objects in the drawing. This is the case, for example, when inserting or transforming parts and when installing new parts in preview mode or when installing standard parts.

This preview can be temporarily hidden by pressing and holding the SHIFT key. This can be useful for performance reasons, for example, with complex models. When the key is released, the preview appears again.

This behavior can be reversed by a corresponding setting in the configuration management. There you will find the Temporary Placement Preview parameter under Visualization. The possible settings are:

  • Hide with SHIFT key
    A placement preview is displayed which can be hidden using the SHIFT key as described above. This is the default setting.
  • Show with SHIFT key
    No placement preview is displayed. However, pressing and holding the SHIFT key can be used to temporarily fade out the placement preview.

As long as no function is active, pressing and holding the SHIFT key automatically activates the element snap function - independent of the selected identification mode. Pressing the right mouse button while holding down the SHIFT key will directly activate the context menu of the corresponding geometry element. On the one hand, this gives you faster access to the context menus of individual geometry elements, and on the other hand, it is a practical way to find a feature in the ICN from within the geometry - especially for large and complex drawings.

 ,  These keys (standard keyboard) allow you to affect the distance display for the grid fineness in sketch technology.

RMB = right mouse button; MMB = middle mouse button/mouse wheel; LMB = left mouse button


Buttons 0 to 8 are mere macro calls. They are available in this form only if macros (0.MAC, 1.MAC, ...) with the same names do not already exist in the sys directory of the HiCAD installation. The call can only be performed via the standard keyboard, not via the number block.

Keyboard layout in the ICN

Using the MouseSelect Parts • Customising the Keyboard