Configuration of the HELiOS Databases

The DbPlantDataImport.exe program is the central tool for the updating of the database, which is required for the current version of the HiCAD Plant Engineering module. For this purpose, the creation of attributes and lists of characteristics, as well as the import of variants will be required.

This is in particular required for


The files

The tool contains the following files:

The data files are created by the ISD, the configuration files are customer-specific files.


Starting the program

The program DbPlantDataImport.exe is located in the SYS directory of your HiCAD installation.

When you start the program, you will be prompted to log onto HELiOS. To be able to use all functions, log in as PDM administrator (as parts in Plant Engineering are not project-related, no Project needs to be specified here).

Please note that the program can only be used if you have previously performed a Variant Update. This will be automatically checked upon start. If required, the updating will be performed automatically. You have the option to cancel the process, which will close the program. The program will also be closed if errors occur during updating of the variants.

If no update is necessary, or if an update was successfully performed, the program DbPlantDataImport displays the Manage Plant Engineering data in HELiOS dialogue window. You can then update the HELiOS database and import data.


Please note:


Notes on the supplied database:

As of HiCAD Version 2018 SP1 the HiCAD PlantParts directory contains the file starter.lst. This file contains a list of all VAA and PAA files which are contained in an unmodified, supplied database. This facilitates an updating of the associated article and document masters and allows an clearing of the database with the help of PartDataAutoSync.exe or DBPlantDataImport.exe.

Important Notes on Updates (PE)Variant Update (DbPlantDataImport)Manage Plant Engineering Data in HELiOS (DbPlantDataImport)