Place Circular Cross-Section

3-D Standard > New > C-edge sweep

The intention is to place a circular cross-section on the depicted guideline.

  1. Draw the guideline.
  2. Activate the C-edge sweep function.
  3. Enter the Article number.
  4. Activate or deactivate the Reference and Feature and BOM-relevant checkboxes.
  5. Activate the Circular cross-section option.
  6. Specify the diameter, e.g. 10.
  7. Activate the Hollow checkbox if you want to create a hollow body. If you want the wall thickness to be applied to the outside, also activate the To outside checkbox.
  8. Specify the wall thickness, e.g. 3.
  9. Click the Select guideline symbol.
  10. Identify the guideline.

  1. Click the Preview button and then Applyif you want the part to be created as displayed.

Hollow, to inside

Hollow, to outside

Place Arbitrary Cross-Sections (3-D)C-Edge Sweep (3-D)C-Edge Sweep Creation Hints (3-D)