Edge Parameters

3-D Standard > Tools > Edge > Parameters, Change

Use this function to change the preset edge parameters, i.e. the colour, line type, layer, and combinations of these parameters. These settings will not be considered for the shaded representation.


Change edge parameters

Use these functions to change the parameters of existing edges. The following options for edge selection are available:


Individual edges, by identification (click middle mouse button to end identification)

In rectangle

All edges lying entirely within a specified rectangle


All edges of a polyline


All edges of the active part

For all functions, you begin by specifying the edge parameters.

Specify the desired settings and exit the window with OK. Depending on the selected function, HiCAD will then prompt you to identify the edges or polylines, or to draw a selection rectangle.


Change edge parameters, Same as reference

Use these functions to apply the parameters of a selected edge (reference edge) to other edges. The following options for edge selection are available:


Individual edges, by identification (click middle mouse button to end identification)

In rectangle

All edges lying entirely within a specified rectangle


All edges of a polyline

Active part

All edges of the active part


The changing of the edge parameters (Individual, In rectangle, Polyline) will be recorded in the Appearance feature log entry.

This does however not apply to the functions Change edge parameters, Part and Edge parameters, Same as reference edge, Active part. These functions change the part property Edge colour and will therefore not be logged.

Sketch Functions (3-D)Working with Sketches (3-D)