Entering HCM Constraints

Sketch > HCM

During sketching of polylines, rectangles and circles you can also automatically create the appropriate HCM Constraints. The individual elements of the polyline and the rectangle are then automatically linked to each other via appropriate dimensional and positional constraints. By default, the automatic allocation of the HCM Constraints is deactivated. To activate it, proceed as follows:

  1. In the HCM function group of the Sketch tab, click below the Update system icon. A menu with further function opens.
  2. In the Tools section of the menu, select Settings. The Settings dialogue window is displayed.
  3. In the dialogue window, activate the Enter constraints checkbox in the Sketch area.
  4. Then select the required constraints by activating the previously greyed-out checkboxes (only for planar sketches) .



If the Sketch/Enter constraintsoption is active, all subsequently sketched polylines of a sketch will be automatically created with the selected HCM constraints.

Sketch with HCM Constraints.


Please note:

If an assembly with HCM constraints in turn contains a sketch with HCM constraints, only the HCM constraints of the assembly will be shown when you activate the assembly in the drawing. You can change this behaviour in the Configuration Editor, at System settings > HCM sketch: If you also want the dimensional constraints of the sketch to be displayed, activate the Show dimensional constraints of sub-sketches checkbox.


  • If automatic assignment of conditions is enabled in the settings of the Sketch HCM (Sketch > HCM > Tools > Settings), then you must additionally observe the following when using the 3-D sketching tool:
  • If you define end points by dropping the cursor (left mouse button), the automatic assignment of HCM constraints can be suppressed by simultaneously pressing the SHIFT key.
  • If a value is entered when determining an end point by pressing the space bar, dimensional constraints will be assigned.
  • Positional constraints are always set in relation to the part coordinate system of the sketch.
  • The extended settings for planar sketches that you can specify in the dialogue window of the function Sketch > HCM > Tools > Settings do not apply to 3-D sketches.
  • When manually setting constraints for 3-D sketches, it is better to use constraints with reference to the part coordinate system of the 3-D sketch instead of the fixing. For more information, see the information in the Parametrics (HCM) Help . There you will also find an example.

Sketch Functions (3-D) HCM for Sketches