Change Detail Views

Views > Edit > Change detail view

With this function, detail views can be changed subsequently. This applies not only to sketch-based detail views but also to detail views of the type cuboid / sphere.

Depending on the type of detail view, the corresponding dialogue window is displayed, which basically corresponds to the dialogue window that would appear when defining the view.

Please note the following when modifying a sketch-based detail view:

  1. The sketch symbols are missing the dialogue window. This means that you cannot select or define a new sketch for the detail view. You can only change the existing sketch for the detail using the Sketch functions. 
  2. Change the sketch for the detail, if required. Depending on which function is activated, this is highlighted either in the detail view or in the original view.
  3. If required, make further changes in the Change detail view window.
  4. Click Create to adopt the changes.

You also use this function to subsequently change the lateral limitation of a sectional view.


Use the Change sectional view identifier, All function to change the identifiers of all detail views (sketch-based) in the drawing.

You will find the function in the pull-down menu of the function. The Identifier settings dialogue window will then be displayed.


Please note:

To activate these functions, right-click on the annotation or heading you want to change and select the required function.

Special Views (3-D)Sectional and Detail Views (3-D)Views (3-D)