Straight Lines

Sketch > > Draw > Line > Straight lines

Use these functions to insert special straight lines in the active Sketch or 3-D Sketch.

Line bisector

  1. Identify the edge.
  2. By specifying a point, define the plane in which you want the line bisector to lie.
  3. Specify the length of the line bisector. The line is marked off on both sides from the midpoint of the identified edge.

Perpendicular to edge

  1. Specify the start point of the new edges.
  2. Identify the edge to which you want to drop a perpendicular.

Angle bisector

  1. Specify the vertex.
  2. Define a point on the 1st and 2nd leg in turn.
  3. Enter the length of the angle bisector. The length of the angle bisector is marked off in both directions from the vertex.

Vertical to 2 lines

  1. Identify the two lines.
  2. Specify the length of the new edge. A vertical edge with the specified length is constructed at the intersection point of the two lines by creating the cross-product of the two edge directions.

Vertical to surface, via point

  1. Specify the start point.
  2. Choose the surface by identifying two edges.

3-D Sketch (3-D)Sketch Functions (3-D)