Detail View Cuboid/Sphere

Views > New > Detail > Detail view Cuboid/Sphere

Use this function to define detail views. Here the detail is not determined by a sketch but by defining a cuboid or a sphere.

You can switch between both modes in the Detail view dialogue window.


Please note:

Detail view Cuboid

  1. Determine the centroid of the cuboid in the drawing. Then you can simply draw the cuboid dynamically by moving the cursor. A preview of the cuboid will be displayed. When you drop the cursor, direction arrows are shown. Afterwards you can still change the size of the cuboid. To do so, either enter the desired dimensions in the dialogue window or select an area of the box in the preview and drag the area in the desired direction.

  1. Select the scale for the detail view.
  2. If you want to hatch the cut surfaces, activate the Hatching checkbox, select the hatching distance, the hatching angle and the hatching pattern.
  3. Close the dialogue window with OK or press the middle mouse button.
  4. Then determine the position of the detail view.


Detail view Sphere

  1. Determine the center of the sphere in the drawing. Then you can simply draw the sphere dynamically by moving the cursor. A preview of the sphere is displayed. You can then change the size of the sphere. To do this, either enter the desired diameter in the dialogue window or select the sphere in the preview and change the size dynamically with the cursor.
  2. Select the scale for the detail view.
  3. Close the dialogue window with OK or press the middle mouse button.
  4. Then determine the position of the detail view.


Sectional Views and Detail Views (3-D)Views (3-D)