Create and Edit Sheet Areas

In the sheet area the production drawings are displayed. By defining several sheet areas, these can also be output on several sheets.

Create new sheet area

  1. On the toolbar of the Views window of the ICN, select Create new sheet area .
    HiCAD automatically creates a new sheet area with the next free sheet number.
  2. Right-click the name of the active sheet area Sheetn and choose New view from the context menu to define a first view for the sheet area..

Alternatively, the Create new sheet area function is also available in the context menu of the ICN view window. You activate the menu by right-clicking in an empty area of the Views window..

Edit sheet area

To edit a sheet area, you must first activate it. You have to distinguish whether the sheet area already contains views or not.


These are the processing and editing functions for views:

New view, without link
4 standard views

Change sheet number 
changes the number of the active sheet area. Specify a new sheet number. If a sheet area with this number already exists, the next free sheet number is used.

Change all sheet numbers
changes the numbers of all sheet areas. The first number is freely selectable. The other numbers are assigned consecutively in the displayed order of the sheet areas.

When changing sheet numbers, the Windows standard multiple selection with the CTRL or SHIFT key is also possible. Right-clicking the multiple selection function provides the Change all sheet numbers function from the context menu. Activate the function and enter a free sheet number. The numbers of the selected sheet areas are then assigned consecutively according to the display order of the sheet areas.

deletes the active sheet area. When deleting sheet areas, the Windows standard multiple selection with the CTRL or SHIFT key is also possible.

For Metal Engineering assemblies you have the additional option to change the type of representation.


Additional functions for editing and processing sheet areas and views are also available in the toolbar of the Views window of the ICN.

Only the active view is displayed.
All views are displayed.
With a click on this symbol HiCAD jumps to the active view in the view structure.
This function creates a new sheet.
All sheet views are updated.

Expands the view structure.

Collapses the view structure.

The sheet views displayed in the ICN can be sorted alphabetically by their name - ascending or descending. To do this, activate the sort mode by simply clicking on the Designation column. In the column heading, the or symbol is displayed. By clicking on the column heading again, you can sort the column in ascending or descending order. If you create new sheet areas in this mode, they will be automatically sorted accordingly.

To deactivate the sort mode, click on Show unsorted. The symbol in the column heading Designation is removed. New leaf areas are then inserted at the end of the structure. In this mode you can also move sheet areas by Drag & Drop.

Opens the Settings dialogue window. Here you can switch the multi-column display of the view structure on or off.

In the single-column display, the display type and scale are placed in brackets after the view name.


The order of the displayed sheet areas is saved together with the model drawing.

Activate View (3-D)Model Views and Sheet Views (3-D)Views (3-D)