Sketch Tools

Sketch > Tools

The Tools menu provides further functions for the processing of sketches and 3-D sketches, as well as for the definition of sketch elements as auxiliary geometries.

If you click the icon, the Sort GE in active sketch function will be activated. This function ensures that optically contiguous polylines of the active sketch are also regarded as such in the internal data structure.

Clicking opens a menu with further functions.

Tools, Composite edges

Mark 3-D edges

Marks all composite edges of the active part. The individual edges of a composite edge are marked alternately in colour here. The orientation of each composite edge is marked by means of an arrow.

Show 3-D edge sequence

Shows the sequence and orientation of all composite edges of the active part. Once you have activated the function, the first composite edge that is found is marked and the orientation indicated by means of an arrow. For further composite edges to be displayed, choose Yes to confirm the prompt.

Change 3-D c-edge orientation

Changes the orientation of a composite edge by identifying the composite edge near the new start point. If you have selected a c-edge block here, the New orientation menu is displayed.

Change sequence

Change edge sequence of c-edge, individual

Changes the sequence of the c-edges in the active sketch by identifying the composite edges in the desired order. The first identified composite edge is assigned number 1, the second number 2 etc.

Invert edge sequence of c-edge

Inverts the sequence.

Swap sequence of 2 edges in c-edge

Swaps two c-edges.

Change edge sequence, according to direction vector

Rearranges the composite edges along a vector. The sort criterion is the projection of start and end points of the composite edges onto the vector.

Change edge sequence, according to distance to "running" point

Sorts the composite edges according to distance from an arbitrary point. Choose whether you want the distance between the start points and the point or the distance between the end points and the point to be taken into account. Then specify the point. HiCAD searches the composite edge the start or end point of which has the smallest distance from the specified point. The start or end point of the found composite edge then serves as a new search criterion, i.e. HiCAD searches for a composite edge the start/end point of which has the smallest distance from the start/end point of the previously found composite edge etc.

Other functions

Set/Delete auxiliary geometry

Use this function to define sketch elements as auxiliary geometries.

Change purpose

HiCAD automatically assigns a purpose to planar sketches upon their creation. One distinguishes between

  • Purpose = Part
  • Purpose = Create/Edit

Sketches with the purpose Create/Edit are, in principle, "auxiliary elements" from which other parts, processings and sectional views, detail views or cut-outs. Sketches with this purpose are visualized with broader lines in the active view. They are also visible in shaded models.

Sketches with the purpose Part are regarded as "normal" parts that are used as elements of the drawing.

Sketch Functions (3-D)Working with Sketches (3-D)