Project: HiCAD 2-D

Settings for Externally Referenced Parts

2-D Part > Reference > External > Settings for externally referenced parts 

When you save and load drawings containing externally referenced parts, the settings that you make using this function are taken into account. Once you have called the function, the selection menu appears.

You use the Default group path item to temporarily change the path predefined in FILEGRUP.DAT.

You use the other settings to define how to handle external parts when loading and saving the drawing.

The way in which the individual settings impact the saving and loading of drawings is represented in the following table:

Parameters What happens during saving What happens during loading

No, but enable loading

The complete contents are saved.

Even dummy parts are loaded.


The complete contents are saved.

Dummy parts are not loaded. Only the fitting point is displayed.

Yes, block editing

The contents are automatically deleted before saving.

Even dummy parts are loaded.

The elements of the external parts cannot be edited if they are active.

Yes, permit editing

The contents are automatically deleted before saving.

The complete graphic of an external part is loaded and can also be modified.

Even dummy parts are loaded.

When working with external parts, you should be sure to adhere to the following order:

  1. Save all (2-D) drawings containing NO. This enables you to save the initial state, as the external parts are not deleted.
  2. All drawings are loaded for part group exchange with the same parameter setting NO.

You can then decide whether you want the parts to be exchanged:

  1. Before saving the modified drawing, choose parameter setting NO.


drawings KONST_1 and KONST_2 both contain the same external parts EXTERN1. When saving the drawings, you selected parameter setting NO.

You now want to modify these parts. How do you ensure that the changes are transferred to both drawings?

  1. You load one of the files, e.g. KONST_1. You modify the external part and then save it using the Save referenced part  function. You then choose parameter setting NO and save the modified drawing.
  2. You load file KONST_2. You then choose parameter setting YES, (Permit Editing) and save the drawing.

The next time you load the drawing, it contains the modified part.

  1. Then choose setting NO again, and save the drawing .

Modification of externally referenced parts must be carried out with caution, as only the last change state is saved each time.

Referenced Parts (2-D)

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HiCAD 2-D
Date: 11/10/2020     Language: 1033

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