Project: HiCAD 2-D

Detail, Referenced

If you create a referenced 2-D detail in a 2-D drawing, there are dependencies between these two elements, i.e. if a reference detail is changed, this change is also communicated to the corresponding base part, and vice versa.

The reference detail and the corresponding base part are special, internally referenced 2-D parts, they do not have a visible fitting point and the names (part names) do not need to be identical. They are displayed in the ICN by the symbol for referenced 2-D parts.

You can create several reference details for one base part.

Reference new detail

2-D Part > CAids > Bore > Detail > Detail > New, via rectangle

2-D Part > CAids > Bore > Detail > Detail > New, via contour

A reference detail can be chosen via a drawn rectangle or an arbitrary contour.

The procedure corresponds to that for the creation of normal details. Prior to this, however, the relevant part needs to be selected.

  1. Select the part.
  2. Enter the scale for the detail.
  3. Select the area for the detail (via rectangle or via contour).

The detail is displayed magnified.

  1. Identify a fitting point for the detail on the drawing area.

The selected detail is identified by a dashed circle.

  1. For the designation of the detail, enter the start point and end point of the reference line, and the name.
  2. Specify the position of the name at the detail.



The part scale and drawing scale need to be identical.

Synchronize changes

2-D Part > CAids > Bore > Detail > Synchronize changes

The synchronisation of the reference detail or the base part, respectively, takes place only after selection of this function, as is also the case with referenced 2-D parts. For this to happen, it will suffice if one of the sub-parts of the referenced part is active, the referenced part itself needs not necessarily be active (provided that no internally referenced part is contained in the part level).

The synchronisation can also be performed via 2-D Part > Reference > Update identical parts (=identical function).

Change detail

2-D Part > CAids > Bore > Detail > Change detail, rectangle

2-D Part > CAids > Bore > Detail > Change detail, contour

The shape of the reference detail can be changed subsequently by selection via rectangle or contour. During the process, a synchronisation with the base part is performed. Other details belonging to the same base part are not adjusted.

  1. Activate the referenced detail.
  2. Draw a rectangle around the referenced detail to specify the future size of the detail.

Construction Aids (2-D)Referenced Parts (2-D)

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HiCAD 2-D
Date: 11/10/2020     Language: 1033

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