Project: HiCAD 2-D

Part Dimensioning Scale

2-D Dimensioning + Text > Edit > Extras > Part dimensioning scale

Loading parts via the interfaces can cause scale modifications. The loaded parts are assigned the scale of the active drawing.

If a graphical element with length 100 and scale 2:1 is loaded into a drawing with scale 1:1, the dimension figure may change to 200.

  1. To prevent this, first create a part structure for the loaded parts.
  2. Then select the Part dimensioning scale function.
  3. Now assign the scale you want to the part.

Dimensioning Tools (2-D)

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HiCAD 2-D
Date: 11/10/2020     Language: 1033

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