Articles Where-Used List

In the Use tab of an article master window, a so-called "articles where-used list" can be displayed. For this purpose, you need to transfer the part structure to the product structure. Please note that only one level will be transferred.


On the Use tab you can set the number of levels and specify the handling of the indices:

All indices

If this option has been activated, all indices of an article will be considered, i.e. the uses of older and newer indices of the article will be shown. If the option has been deactivated, only the use of the currently shown index of the article will be considered.

Ignore index

If this option has been activated, the concrete index will be ignored, i.e. only the use of the highest index will be shown. The uses of articles will be shown in the way in which a highest index is actually used: For instance, if the element itself has not the highest index, no uses will be displayed.

Right-click a list entry and select Show article to open the article detail window with the master data.

Use the Print result list function to print the list.


  • The dialogue windows for articles and the context menu are operated in the same way as those in the HELiOS Desktop.
  • PDM Functions in HiCADHELiOS Desktop: ArticlesArticle Master