Project: HiCAD

Convert Old Drawings and Parts

HiCAD drawings have the file extension .SZA.

While SZN and KRP files from earlier HiCAD versions can still be loaded, we recommend that you convert the files into the current file formats, particularly if you are using HELiOS in parallel.

The HiCAD subdirectory ISDTOOLS contains a corresponding converter for converting SZN and KRP files.

  1. Start the converter SZN-SZA conversion.exe.
  2. Specify the directory of the HiCAD installation.
  3. Specify the directory containing the SZN and/or KRP files to be converted.
  4. Define the target directory for the files.
  5. Then, under Selection ..., choose whether you want an individual file or all SZN and KRP files that exist in the specified directory to be converted.
  6. If you have selected Individual, enter the name of the desired SZN/ KRP file into the corresponding input field. Please specify the name without file name extension!
  7. Under Options, choose whether you want
  8. the old SZN, POM, ANS files belonging to the drawing or
  9. the old KRP, KPM, DBA3, FEA, FEAARCHIV, REF, KZP, HC3 etc. files belonging to a 3-D part

to be deleted after the conversion. Activate/deactivate the relevant checkbox.

  1. Use Execute to start the conversion.

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HiCAD
Date: 07/12/2020     Language: 1033

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