Project: HiCAD
How To Plan Part Structures
Logical structuring of data is mandatory for more complex drawings. This
is achieved in HiCAD by dividing the drawing into assemblies, main
parts and sub-parts. This component-oriented data structure enables you
to create constructions the logical structure of which matches the part structure
of real products.
Before you start your construction, it is therefore advisable to consider
the product structure and create the main parts and sub-parts of the drawing
- and hence the part structure - accordingly.
- Make use of the possibility
of creating dummy parts. This can be useful, for example, if you want
to define the part structure at the very beginning of the drawing.
A dummy part can then symbolise the assembly.
- Choose meaningful
part names. This also facilitates access to the parts.
- 3-D parts structured
in assemblies, main parts and sub-parts can be coloured individually.
- Use the display of
the part structure and multiple selection in the Information
+ Communication Navigator to process different parts in one step.
Advantages of the Part Structure
- Orientation within the model drawing is facilitated.
- Design-relevant data and BOM-information can be attached to the designed part.
- The part structure allows the creation of structure BOMs and quantity BOMs.
- Part where-used lists enhance the reuse rate of parts.
- Company-specific assemblies can be visualized via the parameterisation of parts.
- Parts can be transferred from a draft to a single part production drawing.
- A consistent modification of a reused part throughout all related drawings is possible.
- Designing in 2-D requires a calculation of overlaps in assembly drawings, realized via overlap levels of parts.
- The associativity of hatchings is ensured via the part.
- Part scales irrespective of the drawing scale enable optimised representations.
- Processing functions mostly refer to parts.
- Keeping a logical
and clear part structure usually automatically entails the individual
parts being defined more clearly. This also enables error sources to be
and Parts • Part Structure in the
ICN • Assemblies, Main Parts
and Sub-Parts
© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH Version 2502 - HiCAD Date: 07/12/2020 Language: 1033
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