Project: HELiOS

Article Detail Window

At the top of the article detail window you will find a Ribbon with various editing functions. The functional content of the Ribbon is largely identical to that of the context menu for articles: It consists of the tabs General, Assignments, and Input / Output.

In the Edit function group of the General tab you will also find a Delete function for articles.

Beneath the Ribbon, the window consists of several tabs. In addition to those which are by default active, you can add further tabs by clicking the symbol on the right hand side.


Shows the article master data. Editing functions for the article can be found in the context menu.


Does not show the linked objects in list form (as is the case with the following tab) but individually with graphics.


If a corresponding document link to a CAD file or a drawing, a preview graphic can be displayed in this window.


Shows you all objects that are linked as targets, with the current article being the source. Various types of links are possible. This tab is structured like the Sources tab.


Shows a list view based on the "Where used" data of a document.

Product structure

Shows the product structure of an object. Right-click to open a context menu with further functions. If you make any changes to the product structure, you will be asked whether you want to save them before closing the window.


Shows you all objects that are linked as sources to the current article.


Lists the folders in which the article is contained.

When you right-click on an empty area in the Folders tab, a context menu with the following options will be opened:

  • Create assignment to new folder (the Enter folder input mask will be displayed. The article will be assigned to the new folder that you specify here)
  • Create assignment to existing folder (the Folder selection window will be displayed, allowing you to assign the article to an existing folder of your choice)


Lists the projects in which the article is contained in a structure view.

When you right-click on an empty area in the Projects tab, a context menu with the following options will be opened:

  • Create assignment to new project (the Enter project input mask will be displayed. The article will be assigned to the new project that you specify here)
  • Create assignment to existing project (the Select project window will be displayed, allowing you to assign the article to an existing folder of your choice)

Utilized articles

Shows a result list of all articles which are utilized in connection with the current article.

In the result list display you will find 2 additional options:

Show contents with regard to selected article and its sub-items: If you have activated this option, the contents of all levels of the product structure that are located beneath the current item will be shown.

Click on to activate the Show contents with regard to selected item option: The result list will then no longer show the contents of the utilized articles with all their sub-items, but only the content of the article in the context of the selected item in the product structure. Click on again to set the display back to Show contents with regard to selected article and its sub-items.


Show objects: When you click on this icon, a selection dialogue opens, allowing you to apply the following restrictions for the current index (other objects will not be shown):

  • Current state: Objects with the most recent/highest index (all indices of an object which do not refer to the most recent/highest index will not be shown).
  • All states: Objects independent of utilized index (no selection concerning the index state will be made, i.e. all occurrences of HELiOS objects will be shown, irrespective of their index)
  • Current and last released state: Objects with the most recent/highest index or the last released state (if this option has been activated, the current index (in edited state) and, if any, also the previous (released) index will be displayed)
  • Non-released index: Objects with non-released index (for the display of all still unreleased objects, all unrealeased indices of an object will be displayed)

After choosing one of these options and confirming with OK the setting will be applied to the current result list.

Utilized items

Analogous to the result list of utilized articles in the product structure context, the items assigned to the article in the product structure are shown here.


At the top right of the window you have the option to add the current object to your Favourites, and activate or deactivate the so-called "content focus":


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© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HELiOS
Date: 27/09/2020     Language: 1033

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