Project: Configuration Management
Derived configurations have a tree-like structure and function according to the same principle as the overlaying of values in user profiles, i.e. unchanged settings will inherit their values from the default values (ISD or Administrator profile) of the superordinate configuration. Configurations on the same derivation level are independent from each other.
To derive configurations, select Edit > Derive configuration. Derived configurations will be displayed in the left pane of the window, under HiCAD >Configurations. The derivation will be created from the currently active configuration.
To edit a derived configuration, select Edit > Activate configuration. The derived configuration will then be displayed under HiCAD > Active configuration and can be edited.
To prevent an accidental overwriting of the base configuration, i.e. the ISD default setting, you should only create derivations of company-specific configurations. To restore the ISD default settings, the configuration database (HiCAD.cfgdb) must be re-installed.
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