Project: HiCAD Steel Engineering

Change Length

Steel Engineering > Lengthen

You use these functions to lengthen or shorten beams

Change length

The beam length is changed by a certain amount. A positive value lengthens the beam, while a negative value shortens it.

Identify the beam by the end to be lengthened and specify the value for the change of length.

Change beam length, via new total length

You shorten/lengthen the beam by specifying the new overall length.

Identify the beam by the end to be lengthened and specify the new overall length.

Change beam length, to point

The beam is shortened/lengthened to an arbitrary 3-D point in the drawing.

Identify the beam by the end to be lengthened. Specify the 3-D point up to which you want the beam to be lengthened/shortened

A perpendicular is dropped from the specified 3-D point to the beam axis and the beam length lengthened/shortened up to this point

The front contour will be preserved when the length is changed!

Change length of a beam to point


Please note:

For beams that are inserted along composite edges please note the following when using the functions Change length and Change beam length, via new total length: If there is a circular arc on the c-edge located at the beam end to be lengthened, the value of the lengthening or the total length, respectively, will be the arc length of the lengthening! For straight beams this will be the value of the straight lengthening, accordingly. In this way, a direct lengthening along c-edges are possible without having to load, lengthen and then exchange the guideline (in the Feature).

Process Beams (3-D SE)Steel Engineering Functions

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD Steel Engineering
Date: 04/11/2019

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