Project: HiCAD Steel Engineering

Settings for Grid-Subsystems

Configuration Editor

Various settings for grid sub-systems can be specified in the Configuration Editor (isdconfigeditor.exe), namely:

Line colour and Line type

  • The representation - Line colour and Line type - of the grid sub-systems can be specified in the Configuration Editor (isdconfigeditor.exe) at Modelling > Grid. The default settings are Line colour: 13 Blue and Line type 4 (dash-dot).

  • Settings for automatic annotation of grid sub-systems in derived drawings

    The automatic annotation of grid sub-systems is only possible for derived drawings. The settings for automatic annotation can be set in the Configuration Editor at Automatic drawing derivation > Production drawing > Annotations> Grid annotation.


    Grid annotation

    Here you can specify the settings for the annotation of the grid sub-systems in the Grid sub-system annotation parameter group (right pane). These are:


    Sub-system, Font

    Here you specify the text parameters for the annotation:


    Sub-system, Line end symbol

    Use these parameters to specify the type, the height and the length of the symbol.

    Settings for manual annotation of grid sub-systems

    The corresponding settings for manual annotations for grid sub-systems can be found in the Configuration Editor at Drawing > Annotations > Grid annotations.

    The available parameters are identical with those for automatic annotation.

    Grid Annotation (3-D SE)  •Settings/Management (3-D SE) Steel Engineering Functions

    © Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
    Version 2402 - HiCAD Steel Engineering
    Date: 04/11/2019

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