Project: HiCAD Interfaces


Open BABCAD file

Drawing > New/Open >Open > DXF/DWG/V11

To open a BABCAD DXB file, proceed as follows:

  1. Activate the function.
  2. Select the file format .DXB and the required file.

Just as for the DXF interface, an appropriate conversion file, BABCAD.DAT, is available for the BABCAD interface.


 Please note:

Save BABCAD file

Drawing > Save/Print... > Save as > Conversion > Create BABCAD - DXB

HiCAD drawings can be conversion into a DXB file. The DXB (Data Interchange Binary Format) - a binary variant of the DXF format - can be read by BABCAD.

To save the current drawing to a DXB file, activate the Drawing tab and select Save/Print > SaveAs > Conversion > Create BABCAD - DXB.


© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD Interfaces
Date: 06/10/2019

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