Project: HiCAD Interfaces


The interface between Bystronic (BySoft Programmer) or LVD and HiCAD allows the export of bending data, providing the required "DXF Extended Entity Data" by means of a so-called CyCAD DXF file.

Open the Sheet Metal Ribbon tab and select Sheet development > Update > Default settings and click the Favourites icon at the bottom left of the to specify whether Bystronic- or LVD-specific annotations are to be output.

Your selection in the pull-down menu sets the default settings in the dialogue to the specific values for Bystronic or LVD, respectively.


The Auxiliary text can be modified subsequently in the drawing if required.

You can also activate the machine-specific texts for drawing derivations. To do this, open the Drawing tab, choose Itemisation/Detailing > Derive... and, in the dialogue window, click the Sheet developments button. In the Sheet development parameters dialogue window you can then proceed as described above: Click the Favourites icon at the bottom left and choose either LVD or Bystronic.

Please note:

For LVD export, the following parameters should have been set:


For DXF export with bending data you also need to add some specifications in the hcadacad.dat file. HiCAD creates outer contours and bend lines in different colours. For the export you need to specify that the HiCAD colours are to be assigned to the corresponding DXF layer. Bend lines and their texts must be located on the BENDS layer , everything else on the OUTLINE layer (in the excerpt below, the corresponding lines are highlighted in bold type).

The parameters FIGB1 (Figure entities transfer) and FIGBL (Figure block transfer) should be set to 0 for the LVD export.

The parameter TPOINT (# Retain text reference points/ Text-Bezugspunkte beibehalten) should be set to 1, to retain the alignment (for Bystronic: "Centred") of the bend line texts in the blank for the export to the DXF format. Centred bend line texts will then retain their insertion point on the bend line mid point. If the parameter is missing, or if the value is not 1, the texts will be aligned left for DXF export. This may result in failed text assignments if a displaced insertion point is located outside the edge.

The lines beginning with STYLE determine the settings for the font. For example, if Arial is to be used as default font, it can be set as "STANDARD" for the export. The existing entries are to be changed or commented out accordingly.

If COLOR 5 0 has been set, bend line texts will be output in yellow by default. If you want them to be output in a different colour, change the value accordingly.

For the import of a DXF file in HiCAD (e.g. for the checking of the result), one more line should be adjusted in the acadhacad.dat file: 

After having prepared all files correspondingly, the CyCAD data will be included into your sheet developments (Sheet Metal > Sheet development > Develop sheet (3-D SM)).

The information given for each bent edge (red) consists in the bend angle (in the above example 90 degrees for each edge), the radius (R=...), the allowance of the K-factor (K0...), and the lengthening (W=...). Continuous lines next to the information indicate upward bendings, dashed lines indicate downward bendings. These are the bending data of the CyCAD "BENDS" layer.

The OUTLINE layer contains the information on the outer contour. THICK indicates the thickness of the sheet edges, PUNCH and DIE refer to the upper and the lower tool which can, if they are known, indicated manually in the text.

To export the file in CyCAD DXF format, select Sheet Metal > Sheet development > Extras >  DXF - Complete . If you want to export the file in LVD format, select Sheet Metal > Sheet development > Extras > LVD - 2-D data (written will be one DXF and one .CBBatchInput file.


© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD Interfaces
Date: 06/10/2019

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