Project: HiCAD Interfaces

3D PDF, Universal 3D, Product Representation Compact

Drawing > Save/Print... > Save as... > 3-D Format (Step, ...)

HiCAD drawings can also be saved as


All formats enable a viewing and zooming of three-dimensional objects from all perspectives. A prerequisite for this is an appropriate software allowing the opening of such files (e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader). The generated PDF file has 7 selectable standard Views, including the Standard AXO view.


Parameter for export

Here you determine whether each node of the drawing is to be saved as a separate file or not. The file name you select is automatically extended by a numbering at the end.

Select whether the entire drawing or only the currently displayed parts are to be exported.

In the Accuracy area you can specify a Mode for polyhedron approximation:

  • Polygon points per quadrant: Enter the number of polygon points (at least 2). The default setting is 6.
  • Via distance tolerance: Enter a tolerance in the Distance field (Default: 0.1) .
  • Via distance tolerance with minimum number: Enter a tolerance in the Distance field , and the minimum value in the Polygon points per 3-D quadrant field.
  • Via distance tolerance with maximum number: Enter a tolerance in the Distance field , and the maximum value in the Polygon points per 3-D quadrant field.



3-D PDF Export of a HiCAD drawing.

If the PDF file cannot be opened by left-clicking the link, then click the file (right mouse button > Save target as) locally on your computer and open it from there.


Please note:

In the ISD configuration management, for each of the three formats it is possible to set individually which export options are to be set or excluded by default when opening the dialogue.

These settings can be taken over in the export dialogue by clicking on the symbol.

3-D Interfaces

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD Interfaces
Date: 06/10/2019

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