Project: HiCAD P+ID
P+ID Symbol > Symbol > New
This function enables you to create a new library symbol or a data mask object (DMO) without graphic.
Please note:
If the symbol name begins with a 0, you need to select a super-ordinated part when inserting the symbol in the P+ID project. If, for example, you select an Agitator (0BZ01), you can select a Vessel (B01) as superordinate part.
A point grid then appears on the screen, the default grid size is 2.5 mm. All symbols in the ISD libraries are based on this grid. If you want to work with a different grid size, enter the required value in the corresponding Configuration. Please remember that you can no longer use the symbol libraries supplied with your software if you change the size of the grid.
HiCAD offers the symbol data mask for processing. In the case of popular symbol types, the data of a reference symbol of the same type is automatically assigned to the data mask (from the symbol library ISDREFSYM).
The following changes are required:
To enable further connecting points to assigned to the symbol in the P+ID or at least have the possibility to do so, it is a good idea to create extra connecting points to keep in reserve. This means that the number of connecting points created should exceed the number of connections that should initially be assigned to the library symbol.
HiCAD then displays a toolbar with library symbol processing functions on the right hand side of the screen.
You can now draw a new symbol. A set of HiCAD 2-D functions are available, but you can right-click the icon to display a context menu and select the Further 2-D functions option.
The functions that are then executed can also be called individually. If required, you can create the library symbol as follows:
Please also read the following chapters when creating library symbols:
Manage and Edit Library Symbols (P+ID)
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