Project: HiCAD P+ID
P+ID > Symbol > Edit symbol
In HiCAD P+ID you can manage part data with HELiOS (additional option).
For part assignment with the HELiOS database, HiCAD differentiates between three cases:
Symbols belonging to the Pipeline category are assigned a pipe class, not a part. The assignment is carried out via the pipe class ID. This is automatically entered in the Article number dialogue after the selection of the pipe class via the Class Management data mask.
The content of RKLBenennung (pipe class designation) in the pipe class record is taken over in the Pipe class dialogue and transferred to all assigned pipe part symbols.
If a pipe class has already been assigned to the current pipe-line symbol, the Pipe class information window is displayed instead of a pipe class search.
The parts offered are determined by the:
The part search is executed as follows: The part type to be detected is determined by the entry in the Part type ID. The entry in the Nominal diameter dialogue is set as the search criterion. If "Search via symbol names" is active, then the name of the symbol (in the Symbol library) is used as search criterion for the RISymbole (P+ID symbols) attribute.
Example: If the symbol name RTG01 is the name of the symbol in the library, then *RTG01* is set as the search criterion. In this case the search conditions, e.g. for a part, are fulfilled when the string RTG01/RTG04 is contained in the RISymbole attribute.
The pipe class is determined by the superior pipeline symbol, thus limiting the search to the appropriate parts, the detected parts are then offered in a result list.
The assignment of the part is based on the entry of it database ID in the Database Part ID and Database Document ID dialogue.
f a part has already been assigned to the current pipe part, the content of the part record ID is displayed when you click the Part data button:
The parts offered for selection are determined by part type and symbol name.
The part search is executed as follows: The type of part to be detected is determined by the entry in Part Type ID. If the "Search via symbol name" option is active, then the name of the symbol (in the Symbol library) is used as search criterion for the RISymbole attribute. Detected parts are displayed in the result list.
If a part has already been assigned to the symbol, HiCAD displays the content of the part record.
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