Project: HiCAD P+ID


P+ID > Settings > Settings > Configuration

Use the Configuration tab to:

The tab is composed of the following areas:

Configuration file

Select a configuration file from the list box. The contents of the file are then displayed for the active configuration in the Configuration pane under the list box.

Click Save as… to save the displayed configuration files to an existing or to a new configuration file of your choice.

Click Delete to delete the displayed configuration file. HiCAD then automatically switches to another existing configuration file. Do not delete all configuration files; at least one configuration file needs to be retained!

Attribute and dialogue type definitions

In this section you select the required attribute and dialogue type definitions. The definitions specified in the active configuration are used when you process symbols in libraries and applied to newly created P+ID projects.

You can view the definitions specified in this section by switching to the Libraries tab and clicking the Edit definitions button.

Click the Save as ... button to create a copy of the specified definitions under a different new name.

Click the Delete button to delete the specified definitions. HiCAD then automatically switches to another existing definition. Do not delete all definitions; the definition ISDAttDef_local needs to be retained!


In this section the names of the libraries created for the configuration are displayed. The libraries provided in the active configuration are applied to newly created P+ID projects.

Click the Add button to add new library names to your list. After selecting the library, the corresponding name will be added to the list. Title block libraries are marked with a yellow point. The library providing special symbols for pipe connections and gauge symbols is marked with a green point.

Click the Remove button to delete a selected library name from the list.

Click the Special button to get the special symbols for pipe connections and gauge symbols from a selected library. If the library contains such special symbols, the green point is moved to the selected file; if not, HiCAD issues an appropriate message and discards the selection.

Screen ruling

Use this option to change in the active configuration the screen ruling of the 2-D grid which is otherwise automatically set when processing symbol libraries and P+ID sheets.

To save the specified value to a selected configuration file, select the Save as ... option or exit the window with OK.

Settings (P+ID)

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD P+ID
Date: 06/10/2019

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