Project: Report Manager

Add User-Defined Columns

File > Settings > Change > View > User-defined columns ...

This function enables you to add freely definable columns to the BOM or to change already defined columns.

The list field on the right hand side of the window shows an overview of all columns available and their corresponding attribute names. If you want to display only the columns which are visible in the current BOM, activate the checkbox List visible columns only.


To define a new column proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the Create new column symbol. The field Column name will be activated.
  2. Specify a Column name ,e.g. EXAMPLE.
  3. Specify the column type by activating the appropriate option button in the Type pane. You can then specify whether data of the column represents text, integer or decimal values. For decimal values, specify the number of decimal places required.
  4. Specify the Orientation of the column by selecting the appropriate entry from the listbox.
  5. Each column in a BOM generated by HiCAD or HELiOS has a fixed Attribute name. The names belonging to a column are shown on the right hand side of the listbox. When a new column is created, the Report Manager automatically assigns an appropriate attribute name to it. You can either accept or change this name. Please do not use names that have already been used by HiCAD or HELiOS. The attribute name becomes significant if you want to use the contents of freely defined columns for the calculation of other columns.
  1. If you want to use a different name - a so-called alias name - instead of the column name for BOM output, specify this alias name in the field Alias.
  2. Specify the calculation formula for the data of your new column in the field Formula. This formula can consist of numerical constants, attribute names shown in the listbox, mathematical basic functions and operators.

These attribute names must be enclosed in square brackets. You can either enter an attribute name via the keyboard or drag it from the listbox and drop it the formula input field. In this case, square brackets will be set automatically.

  1. If you want the column to be taken over into the BOM, click on the Add column button.




Please note:

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - Report Manager
Date: 06/10/2019

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