Project: HiCAD Profile Installation

Installation Layers and Article Number

Profile Installation > New/Change > Profile installation

A profile installation consists of one or several layers. These can be managed in the left area of the Profile installation dialogue window:

There, the layers defined for this installation can be listed.

When you start a new profile installation project, a layer with the name Layer 1 will be automatically created.

Use the icons of the toolbar to  Add a new layer, or  Copy a selected layer, or  Delete a layer .

In the list you can hide and show layers by clicking on their "eye symbol". Hidden layers are represented by a strikethrough eye symbol. This function concerns only the preview in the model drawing; clicking on OK creates all layers, independent from this setting.

When you click on an already selected layer a second time, you can change its name. You can either use a name from a list of suggestions, or enter a different name of your choice.

Beneath the list of layers you find an input field for the Article number of the profile installation. The default value here is Profile installation.

Profile Installation

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD Profile Installation
Date: 06/10/2019

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