Project: HiCAD Parametrics
2-D Part > 2-D HCM Constraints >Drag
This function enables you to modify an HCM model by dynamically dragging lines and points, while taking predefined constraints into account. Parameter changes to geometries and mechanisms are visualised as a real-time simulation in this way. Furthermore, it enables under-definitions of the HCM model to be found quickly.
Proceed as follows: Use the crosshairs to choose a point or element of the HCM model. If the position of the selected element has not yet been defined, you can use the crosshairs to move it dynamically. Use RET to apply the modified HCM model and the right mouse button to restore the initial state. If the colour display for the Dragger is active, the geometry elements are coloured in line with their status.
Alternatively, you can access
the 2-D part functions:
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