Project: HiCAD Parametrics
If you want to use referenced parts in an HCM 3-D model, you should bear the following advice in mind:
When a referenced part is saved, every relevant element is assigned an attribute internally. When a referenced part is processed, however, new elements which do not have an internal attribute at this moment in time may be created. After processing a referenced part and before assigning HCM constraints to elements of this part, you should therefore save the referenced part. This also enables new elements to be assigned an internal attribute and to be reconstructed perfectly in a subsequent update of the drawing.
If you choose the Update identical parts function from the Referencing functions menu and an HCM 3-D model is active, HiCAD first checks to see whether HCM constraints have been assigned to a referenced part.
If this is the case, the new part is loaded. Although the old part is deleted, its geometries are not removed from the HCM model. HiCAD then attempts to find the relevant elements, i.e. the elements belonging to the constraints, in the new part. If it cannot find these elements, HiCAD deletes the HCM object with all corresponding constraints. If HiCAD finds the elements, it attempts to fulfil the HCM 3-D constraints with these elements.
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