Project: HiCAD Parametrics

Positional Constraints

3-D Standard > HCM > Fix > Coincidence

If parts are linked with the Coincidence constraint, a part is transformed so that the corresponding geometry elements lie in the same plane.

Virtually all combinations are allowed, but cylinders cannot be combined with other cylinders or planes.

Also bear "unwontedness" in mind here, i.e. a coincidence between a point and a line does not necessarily mean that the point lies on the line between the two bounding points, but only that it lies on the straight line through these two points. The same applies to planes and cylindrical surfaces.

Procedure: Identify both geometry elements that you want to be coincide.

Alignment can be specified as a supplement if there is a coincidence between

3-D Part Constraints ManagerAlignment

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD Parametrics
Date: 06/10/2019

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