Project: HiCAD Feature Technology

Sketch Functions

For each part or object that is derived from a sketch, such as an extruded part or a bore, a sub-entry called Sketch exists in the Feature log. If you expand this entry, you will be shown various sketch functions. You can use these functions to process sketches directly via the Feature log entries. t

Function Description

For every part or object derived from a sketch, such as extruded solids or holes, the feature log has a sub-entry with the name SKETCH. If you expand this entry, the various sketch functions are displayed. These functions enable you to control the processing of sketches directly via the feature log.

Use this function to process a sketch and to change the relevant object, e.g. a hole or an extruded solid/revolved solid.

Double-click the Sketch function to activate it. The relevant sketch is displayed. If you have not saved the sketch in the drawing, it is now temporarily loaded.

The 3-D Sketch and 3-D C-Edge HCM menus are made available. Use these functions to process the sketch. Next, click Apply sketch to save the processing steps and adapt the relevant object.

Tip: Hide the part in order to process the sketch better. To do this, click the Hide part sketch function in the feature log.

Use this function if you want to include the sketch on which an object is based in the part structure. This function can be useful in the following cases:

  • You have deleted the sketch after generating the object, but now want to include it in the part structure.
  • You want to use the changed form of an already existing sketch for another part. In this case, you can include the sketch in the part structure and then shift it accordingly.

Double-click the Sketch, Load function to activate it. The sketch is loaded into the drawing and assigned to the active part as a sub-part.

Tip: You can also use the loaded sketch to process it and then to exchange it for another sketch.

This function enables you to exchange a sketch for another sketch. The relevant objects like holes and extruded solids are then adjusted accordingly.

  • Draw the new sketch (New/Sketch menu) or load an existing sketch, e.g. using the Sketch, Load function.
  • Choose the Sketch, Exchange function from the feature log.
  • Identify the newly created or loaded drawing.

The sketch of the feature log is replaced by the identified sketch. The relevant objects are adjusted accordingly.

You use this function to hide the object belonging to a sketch. The sketch itself remains visible. This can facilitate processing, particularly in respect of complex models. To show the part again, use the Show part function.

3-D Sketches: General NotesFitting Point of a Sketch

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD Feature Technology
Date: 06/10/2019

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