Project: HiCAD Feature Technology
Functions will be described with the following syntax in the documentation:
function_name(Parameter1: Data_type1, Parameter2: Data_type2): Return_data_type
This syntax describes the function called Function_name
. The function expects to receive two parameters: Parameter1
with the data type Data_type1
and Parameter2
with the data type Data_type2
. The function returns a value of the type Return_data_type
distance_point_edge(p: Point, e: Edge): Real
The function distance_point_edge
expects two parameters: One Point
and one Edge
, and returns a Real
= |
ConditionedExpression |
ConditionedExpression |
= |
Expression1 ["?" Expression1 ":" Expression1 ] If the section exists with a question mark, HiCAD checks whether the expression before the question mark is zero. If it is, the expression after the colon is taken; if it is not, that before the colon is taken. |
Expression1 |
= |
Expression2 { ("&" | "|") Expression2} "&" is a logical And, "|" a logical Or. |
Expression2 |
= |
SimpleExpression [ ( "=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "<>" ) SimpleExpression ] The result of the comparison is 1 for true and 0 for false. |
SimpleExpression |
= |
[ "+" | "-" | "!" ] Term { ("+" | "-") Term } "!" is the logical Not. If the term after the "!" is zero, the result is 1, if not, 0 |
Term |
= |
Factor { ( "*" | "/" | "%") Factor } "%" calculates the integral remainder in a division (modulo). |
Factor |
= |
SimpleFactor ["^"SimpleFactor] "^" is the potentiation. |
SimpleFactor |
= |
Variable | Number | Constant | Function Call | "(" ConditionedExpression ")" Bracketing can be used to nest formulas as required. |
FunctionCall |
= |
Function "(" [ ConditionedExpression { "," ConditionedExpression } ] ")" Parameter-free functions are called using empty brackets: f(). |
Constant |
= |
"pi" |
Function |
= |
"sin" | "cos" | "tan" | ... | "aint" | ... For the precise list of functions, see below. |
Variable |
= |
Letter {LetterOrDigit | "_"} Variable names must begin with a letter. The maximum length of a variable name determines the valid length of HiCAD macro variables. |
Number |
= |
(Number1 | Number2) [("e" | "E") ["-" | "+"] Digits] Examples: 1; 1.2; .2; 1e10; 1.23E5. |
Number1 |
= |
Digits ["." Digits] |
Number2 |
= |
"." Digits |
LetterOrDigit |
= |
Letter | Digits |
Letter |
= |
"a" | ... | "z" | "ä" | "ö" | "ü" | "A" | ... | "Z" | "Ä" | "Ö" | "Ü" |
Digit |
= |
"0" | ... | "9" |
Digits |
= |
Digit {Digit} |
List |
= |
" (" SimpleExpression ( "; " | {"; " SimpleExpression}) ") " |
(If 'l' is greater than 100, the value of 'a' is obtained, if not, 'b'+20)
(Functions must have brackets even if they do not have parameters)
The Value Input: Formulas and Variables
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