Project: HiCAD Feature Technology
Feature Settings in the Configuration Editor
HiCAD uses a central configuration management via the ISD Configuration Editor. Here, you can also specify the configuration for features.
Start the Configuration Editor (ISDConfigEditor.exe) in the \exe\ directory of your HiCAD installation.
In the tree structure on the left side of the tool, select HiCAD > Active configuration (Base configuration) > System settings > Feature.
The following options are available:
- Highlight in graphic?: If this checkbox is activated, the entries marked in the feature window will also be highlighted in the graphic.
- Warning for functions that are not logged: If this checkbox has been activated, a warning will be issued when you use functions that are not recorded in the Feature log.
- Use external references: Activate this checkbox if you want external references to be considered.
- Maximum number of loaded logs: This restriction only concerns 32 Bit versions of HiCAD. For these it is recommended to load only portions of the Feature log to limit space requirements.
- Automatic recalculation: Activate this checkbox if you want an automatic recalculation of parts to be performed after changes of feature data or variables. Otherwise, you need to perform a manual recalculation in the drawing with the Recalculate function after each change.
- Recalculate processed parts by default?: This option determines whether processed parts (i.e. a part that has been added to another part by way of merging) will also be recalculated whenever a feature recalculation takes place. This option only takes effect if the Automatic recalculation checkbox has been activated.
- Show feature error in part structure?: Activate this checkbox if you want errors to be indicated by an exclamation mark in the part structure in the ICN as well. Otherwise, errors will only be indicated in the Feature log.
Feature Configuration
© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH Version 2402 - HiCAD Feature Technology Date: 06/10/2019
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