Project: HiCAD Sheet Metal
Sheet Metal > Change length > Trim
- Mode: Plane, with clearance
Sheet Metal > Change length > Trim
- Mode: Plane, flush
Use these two modes to trim all flanges with bend zones and/or milling edge zones to a cut surface.
Proceed as follows:
If you want to identify a different flange, click on the icon beneath Edge / Plane and identify the desired edge.
Here, too, you can select a different plane by clicking on the icon.
If you click Apply, the change will also be inserted, but the window will remain open.
Subsequent changes can be made via the Feature log: Double-click on the Trim to surface feature and change the data in the displayed dialogue window.
(1) Cut plane (sheet and bend zone)
(2) Cut surface
(3) Sheet and bend zone shortened, taking the clearance into account
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