Project: HiCAD Sheet Metal

New Bend Zone, With Shortening between 2 Points 

Sheet Metal > Bend zone > Shorten > New, between 2 points, with shortening of connecting sheet

Use this function to connect two sheets subsequently. The sheets are shortened in such a way that height and length remain unchanged. The value of the shortening depends on the bend radius. You determine the length of the bend zone by specifying two points.

  1. Identify the longitudinal edges of the front sides of the sheets.
  2. Identify 2 points to specify the length of the bend zone.

(1) First front side
(2) Second front side
(3) First point for bend zone length specification
(4) Second point for bend zone length specification
(5) Sheet shortened, bend zone added

Further Sheet Metal FunctionsAttach Flange, Without Bend Zone

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD Sheet Metal
Date: 06/10/2019

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