Project: HiCAD Sheet Metal

'Puzzle Piece' Design Variant in Parallel Flange Surfaces

Civil Engineering functions > Sheet Metal > Puzzle piece

Before inserting of the variant you need to activate the allowance method CHAMFER for the Sheet Metal part.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Identify the Sheet Metal part. On the Sheet Metal tab, select Sheet development > Technology parameters .
  2. Activate the With allowance checkbox to ensure that the allowance method will be considered.
  3. Select the CHAMFER method from the drop-down list and confirm with OK.
  4. Now select the Puzzle piece Design Variant by double-clicking the name of the variant in the Civil Engineering functions docking window.
  5. Identify the two outer edges of the corner to be closed.

(1) First outer edge
(2) Second outer edge

If the insertion is possible after selection of the two edges, the dialogue window will be displayed.

  1. Enter your parameters for insertion.

The input fields have been initialised with preset values which can be changed if required.

If you want to create the corner without the "puzzle piece", activate the Create corner connection checkbox.

  1. Click OK to close the dialogue and insert the Design Variant.

If you select Preview, the puzzle piece will be applied, but the dialogue window will remain open, enabling you to change parameters and check the result in the drawing if required. If you select OK, the puzzle piece will be applied, and the dialogue window will be closed. If you select Cancel, the window will be closed, but no changes will be applied.

Corner connection with "puzzle piece" in 3-D view and in 2-D development.

Corner connection without "puzzle piece"

Please note:

At the top of the window you can save a configuration for later re-use, or load already existing ones.

Sheet Metal Design Variants (3-D SM)

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD Sheet Metal
Date: 06/10/2019

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