Project: HiCAD Sheet Metal

Process Development

Sheet Metal > Sheet development > Update > ...

The Update function and its pull-down menu contains functions for adjusting of sheet developments and the parameter settings. The parameters will only affect the current drawing. The development parameters for new drawings can be specified in the Configuration Editor at Sheet Metal > Sheet development > Default setting.


Please note:

If you are working with referenced parts, please remember the following:

The link between 3-D part and 2-D development is made, once the edge to be developed has been selected, by means of two points placed in layer 0 which lie on the edge and on the corresponding lines in the blank. If these points do not exist, the development will be re-generated, rather than updated.
When using referenced parts, you therefore need to bear in mind that an update can only be performed if the referenced part is saved after the development is generated and no new development of the part specifying another edge is generated after this

Overview of Functions (3-D SM)General Notes on Sheet Metal Processing (3-D SM)Sheet Development (3-D SM)Development Parameters (3-D SM)Update Development (3-D SM) 

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD Sheet Metal
Date: 06/10/2019

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