Project: HiCAD Basics

Print Variables

You can use system variables to insert invisible texts in the HiCAD drawing frames, which are assigned the relevant current (and visible) values in the printout . Examples of this are the print date and the print time.

  1. Choose 2-D Part > New > New main part .
  2. Enter the part name, beginning with DIN.
  3. Switch to the 2-D Dimensioning + Text tab.
  4. Choose Text > New text.
  5. Insert the text @PLOD@ at the position at which you want the date to appear when it is printed/plotted.

The placeholder texts are not visible in the drawing!

Insert Drawing FrameSystem VariableChange Title Block Entries

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 06/11/2019

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