Project: HiCAD Basics
Form Assembly from Existing Parts
Assemblies can also been formed using existing 3-D parts and assemblies.
- Right-click the desired part/assembly in the ICN or in the drawing.
A multiple selection of parts/assemblies is also possible: Left-click the desired parts one by one while holding down the CTRL key, then right-click a part/the assembly in your selection to open the context menu for 3-D part.
- Select Form assembly
(at Edit structure or Part/Assembly structure).
Please note:
- If the function is applied to 3-D parts (solid primitives, beams...), all selected parts will be subordinated to new assembly. The part that you right-clicked will be the assembly main part.
- If the function is applied to dummy parts or 3-D sketches, (with sketch geometry) the part that you right-clicked will be converted into an assembly and the following will happen:
- All other selected parts (if any) will be subordinated to this new assembly.
- The sketch geometry will be contained in the assembly
- Planar sketches are handled like 3-D parts (i.e. they will be subordinated and not converted!)
- If the function is applied to a multiple selection (part list) that contains assemblies, the following will happen:
- If the selection consists only of assemblies, the newly formed assembly will have no assembly main part.
- If the selection consists of assemblies and other 3-D parts, the part that you right-clicked (or the first found 3-D part of the selection) will be made the new assembly main part
- The assembly type Assembly will be automatically assigned here.
When Do You Use Assemblies? • Create New Assembly
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